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Jason McCoy Obituary, Sheffield New Brunswick, Staff At K-Line Construction Ltd. NBCC Has Died


Jason McCoy Obituary, Death – Mr. Jason McCoy, age 48, of Murray, Kentucky, passed away on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at 11:24 a.m., in the Murray-Calloway County Hospital in Murray, Kentucky. He was a resident of Murray. Mr. McCoy called the city of Murray his home. He considered the city of Murray to be his permanent residence. On August 29, 1973, in the city of Murray, Kentucky, in the state of Kentucky, Homer and Alice Balentine McCoy became the proud parents of their first child, a son whom they named Jason.

This event occurred in the state of Kentucky. He is survived by his wife Beverly Toon McCoy, as well as his parents, Homer and Alice McCoy; daughters Morgan Lynn Baker, Kaylee Grace McCoy, and Olivia Ann Bone; son Chase Alexander McCoy; brother Timothy McCoy (and his wife Lora); sister Christy Waldrop (and her husband Scott); a granddaughter on the way named Allison Dean Baker; and three nephews named Brandon McCoy, Ethan McCoy,

and Boyd Johnston. On Saturday, January 22, 2022, at one o’clock in the afternoon, the funeral will be place at the Blalock-Coleman & York Funeral Home, and Reverend Steve Phillips will preside over the event. It has not yet been decided when the funeral will take place or what time it will begin. After the burial service, the body will be taken to the New Jenny Ridge Cemetery so that the interment can take place there.

On Friday, the funeral home of Blalock-Coleman & York will be open from five in the afternoon until eight in the evening for friends and family of the deceased to pay their respects and pay their last respects to the departed.

