Team 3D: Having to hear Bubba and Devon cut so many promos where they CONSTANTLY praised themselves drove me nuts. When is the last time Bubba and Devon had a truly great tag team match? I've been watching TNA for about three years now, and I can't remember one epic match they had in that time period. The Motor City machine Guns, Beer Money, and Generation Me were the best as far as tag team wrestling in TNA 2010 goes. They are the ones who provided us with the great matches and jaw dropping highlights. Bubba and Devon were going for a Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels emotional roller coaster style match at Turning Point, but they didn't come through. Team 3D is not the be all end all of tag team wrestling, and I hope Bubba and Devon will realize this some day.
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero: I don't understand why some people go nuts over this guy. He's had a few matches stellar matches this year, but I just don't see the "wow" factor in Pope. His mic work isn't anything special, because he usually rambles. I think he could be a solid upper mid card guy, but I don't think he's this overly talented wrestler who TNA dropped the ball on.
Doug Williams: Williams can wrestle some damn good matches. He might not have the bodybuilder physique and Williams might not have the flashy persona that some other wrestlers on TNA's roster have, but he can always entertain me with his matches. I'm happy Williams is having a run with TNA TV Championship, because he is more than worthy of holding a title.
Generation Me: I'll admit, at first, I couldn't stand these two, but GenMe has grown on me this year. Their feud with The Guns was pretty good, and they did manage to put on a some very good matches. GenMe does a good job at playing these young and cocky punks who don't want to pay any dues in the wrestling business. GenMe is one of the better tag teams in TNA, and I hope to see them back in title picture somewhere down the line.