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Cuban Government Says that Domestic Production Must Do Its Part to Attract Tourists

MADRID, Spain. – Local production must contribute more to the purpose of attracting foreign tourists to Cuba, and to obtaining greater earnings in hard currency, Cuba’s minister of Tourism, Juan Carlos García Granda, stated.

According to him, this would also improve the dynamics of the national economy, as quoted in the official daily Granma.

In this regard, he indicated that tourism needs a new approach vis a vis guaranteeing resources.

As to the trading relationships that exist in Cuba between hotel facilities and production and services entities, both from state and private sectors, he stated that Cuba could take advantage of “the possibilities of producing its own food and other products”, even if “importing some items is still required.”

About tourism itself, he stated that “paying immediate attention to client complaints and providing solutions should be the main concern of head management at the hotels.”

García Granda also remarked on the importance of marketing strategies aimed at international tourism.

“We must increase training and rely on science and innovation in order to digitalize tourism destinations, to make them ‘intelligent’, and to take advantage of all the benefits this implies,” he added.

The minister’s statements come at a time when the Cuban population is heavily affected by shortages of basic products, domestic as well as imported goods.

Recently, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, minister of Domestic Commerce (MINCIN), stated that shortages will continue through February regarding basic products included in the family ration basket, among them cigarettes, coffee, sugar, powdered milk and personal and cleaning products.

According to Díaz Velázquez, this situation is due to a delay in the arrival of imported raw materials as well as interruptions in production flow.

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